Blurry photos – you either love them or hate them. Fortunately for photographers everywhere, a blurry photo in a gallery doesn’t necessarily scream “accident and unprofessional” anymore. In fact, many photographers choose to include blurry photos in their clients’ galleries. There is even tutorial after tutorial of how to get the perfect blurry photo.
It’s a very modern trend; not everyone is going to love it. For me personally, I think blurry photos are magical. They capture movement and emotion in a way that sharp, clear images can’t. I think the love of blurry photos somewhat stems from the Impressionist art movement. If you think about Claude Monet’s paintings, for example, his style is very foreshadowing of the rise of blurry photos.
View of Vernon, Claude Monet The Japanese Footbridge, Claude Monet
Above are two Claude Monet paintings. As you can see, they resemble blurry photos. One could even argue that blurry photos look like paintings. What some people fail to realize that, just like Impressionist paintings, blurry photos are art.